Well I was was having fun untill my Saffire PRO decided to pull the 'Im problematic' card on me and start to drop out and cause huge latency and processing spikes when operating it along with audio clipping issues for no reason whatsoever.
Just sent Focusrite a lengthy diagnostics email and I'm probably going to have to get a new unit shipped out to me under warranty. That's ruined my evening haha. Back to my shitty UA-4FX I go ;_;
+1 for the Scarlett Solo and Focusrite in general. along with the A500 MIDI Keyboard, both excellent choices.
I've just hooked up my Saffire PRO 14 today and it's working flawlessly haha. I'm looking to maybe get an Alesis VI49 soon as well.
Thanks a lot man! Hehe that Saffire looks sweet, have fun with it! And I would totally buy that Alesis just for the sexy trigger pads :p