I love this collab. I can watch a few times a day even though it lasts half an hour. I'll just give my comments on each author.
Stamper: Well, the gay jokes were something I already predicted when I saw he organized the collab. Still, the artwork was pretty amazing, and the gay jokes weren't too overwhelming. Yep, that's what I have to say about it.
Hans: His parts were cool, I still like his unique style of drawing. Only thing I didn't like was that the voice of the long-neck guy changed throughout the parts. Yes, small detail, but it's still noticable. Other than that, it was cool.
Adam: If there was a user I DIDN'T expect to join a collab like this, it would be the creator of Bitey. And still his parts were good. No variation however, since the only thing it's about is a man swearing, but still cool. I love the drawing style. However, the vocal quality of the guy that didn't swear (the one that found the sister hot) was not that high. Another detail, I know. I'm also glad this didn't have any gay jokes (after a while they start to get annoying).
Egoraptor: His parts were just awesome. Expecially the last one, without the talking. I'm also glad that there's at least ONE African that changes it's position ('I knew you would admit that you watch Friends!'). Great drawings too.
El-Cid: This part was pretty good, although it was too 'gay-ish'. Still great artowkr and stuff. Too bad you had only one part. The turd-throwing monkey made me lol. Also, how the hell does the right guy change his clothes so fast?!
Johnny: Best artwork of the whole collab. I'm also glad that there were no gay jokes invovled. I must say however that there were too many parts. After a while I had enough of the 'I hope you die' shit. But still awesome. The vuvuzela part was the best.
LazyMuffin: Also a great part, probably because it's a conversation that could also be held in RL. And again, no gay jokes. Cool artwork too. The song was the best part, I find.
Oney: Simpley great. Great drawing style and great humor. I'm glad it just wasn't all about 'rape', 'aids' and 'gay'.
Marc: This part seriously let me down. I have to be honest: this part doesn't meet the requirements. The art is too simple and the animation is too choppy. Also, WAY too much gay jokes. And for the record, eyebrows and mouth painted on a mask CAN NOT MOVE.
Swain: Really cool. Great artwork and good humor and voices. And I'm again glad that there were not so much gay jokes. I got a deja vu at the pants joke.
Tom: Creator of NG or not, this can be WAY better. Also, it's pretty ironic that you used ripped images while you recently made a post about stopping to get images from Google.
That's all I gotta say to you. Bye.