I was kinda bored today, so I decide to make a wallpaper version of my logo, and it turned out pretty well, so go check it out in the Art Portal or something. I'm using it as my background now and it looks really good
For some reason my song Bang-O-Rang is, compared to my other songs, getting a lot of views on Youtube. Apparently it now gets about 500-1000 views a week, which is a lot to me. So now I'm randomly putting the video here :)
It's bcoz that guy Skrillex and his song Bangarang that's why. It's got like 100 million views or something.
Yeah I think so too, but it's still strange because his is called Bangarang and mine Bang-O-Rang. Although according to my Bandcamp stats a lot of people cam to my page because they searched for 'bangarang'.