Well I was, kinda. College has started and my schedule (and wallet) are starting to feel it badly. Luckily I was able to pop out something for Madness Day: #PND!
There's more songs on the way but this has got to do for a while because college is eating my brains. Hope you guys enjoy it. :)
Oh and I ddin't make it through the first round of NGADM. How unexpected. My girlfriend really liked the song though. :P
What study do you do?
Biology, Radboud Univeristy. Last year I did Medicine, but figured Biomedical Sciences was something more for me but I couldn't make it in and I didn't want to do another year of Medicine, so now I'm doing Biology. If everything goes well I can get a minor in Biomedical Sciences together with my Bachelor Biology and I'll be able to start a Master in Biomedical Sciences. Thumbs up for me...