So lately I've been spending next to no time on Newgrounds, I'm not sure why. Anyway, here's an update.
Here are the links to my last 2 songs: Erox and Feels Like Boom. Give 'em a listen or three. I've REALLY been working on songs for two months or so, but since I'm really bad at finishing songs, it'll take a while for them to actually see the daylight. IU'm giving my first go at Dubstep, so I'll focus on that track the most.
For some reason my addiction to medals has come to a sudden stop. I have absolutely no idea why, but I just don't feel the urge to collect them anymore. I'm not sure whether I'm sad about this or not, but it does mean that you won't see me medal-grinding anymore.
I signed up to SoundCloud because I want my music to be spread more around the web. Here's the link to my profile. So far I've only submitted a few older songs of mine. I'm also planning to post my WIP's here, since those barely get any apreciation on Newgrounds.
With SoundCloud comes another thing. I recently send a demo track to Spinnin' Records, mostly for getting criticism (since those people know what good music is the most), but also to just try to get my track signed in. I put the demo on SoundCloud, and it is NOT for download (that's a good thing of that site, the ability to disable DL's). You can listen to it here: Stupefaction. I haven't gotten a response from Spinnin' yet, I hope I'll get one soon.
Grent asked me to score a game for him, which I gladly did. I first met Grent when we were in a PO3 team, which fell apart after a while. The game is looking (and sounding) great so far, I'm really excited for the outcome.
That's pretty much it, I guess. Oh yeah, if you play my music in WMP a lot, PLEASE download the Scrobbler, this will cranck up my charts on my artist profile. Please, it only takes a few seconds.
Now we're done. Here are some links you should check out:
My Youtube channel
My SoundCloud profile
My artist profile
My regular profile
I'm closing this post with a pic I found on the BBS yesterday. I can't hide a laugh everytime I see it. :)