Very interesting dance track man. I like the progression and the breakbeat part, even though that part is a little bit lengthy. The beat itself also worked out really nice. However I suggest you cut some of the higher frequencies on the kick and increase the lower once so it's mixed better.
Also, try making your own synths. I'm not blaming you for using Sytrus presets because they are kewl and all, but you've been making music for about a year now and it's time for you to actually build a synth from scratch. In the end, using presets will only do you harm.
Speaking of which, your bassline synth (which is coincidentally a Sytrus preset) should be replaced with something else. I know it has a great sound to it, but because it is meant as a saw (hence the preset's name 'Cerbera Saw') it has this extremely raw sound to it when you play the lower notes, making it overdrive like hell. I suggest you just use 3xOsc with a filtered sawtooth or something, maybe even a plain sinus. It won't overpower the other synths as much as the one you use now does, so the whole track has a better balance.
3/5, 7/10
- LiquidOoze